
The Use of Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Restorative Dentistry


  • Tağmaç Özberk
  • İzgen Karakaya

Received Date: 05.07.2023 Accepted Date: 19.12.2023 Cyprus J Med Sci 0;0(0):0-0 [e-Pub]

In today's era, as in many other industries, there is a rapid trend towards digitalization in the dentistry and the use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies is becoming increasingly common. In dentistry, three different concepts are used to produce a physical prototype: additive, subtractive and hybrid. Additive manufacturing techniques, which serve on the basis of CAD/CAM technology, have been shown as an alternative to subtractive methods with the various advantages they offer, and for this reason, their use in the dental industry has increased rapidly. It is predicted that additive manufacturing technologies, which have found a wide range in various dental applications, will become the main method for digital manufacturing in dentistry at future. In this review; it is aimed to examine the computer-aided manufacturing methods that are commonly used in the dentistry; to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of these methods systematically; to examine the functioning processes of additive manufacturing technologies that are used in dentistry; and to evaluate the use and development of these additive manufacturing techniques in the restorative dentistry. For this purpose, a literature scan was conducted using MeSH terms related to the subject (“manufacturing, fabrication techniques”, “CAD/CAM, restorations”, “digital dentistry”, “additive, subtractive systems”, “additive manufacturing in restorative dentistry”) in the medical database (MEDLINE- PubMed, EMBASE).